I want to find the derivative of a function (x)(x - 1) using the definition of a derivative. I want my increments to be 1e-2
. So that it simulates the limit going to zero. I saw on Range for Floats that I could use user-defined functions to create range functions that take float variables.
def frange(x, y, jump):
while x < y:
yield x
x += jump
def drange(start, stop, step):
r = start
while r < stop:
yield r
r += step
i = frange(1e-14,1e-2,2)
for k in i:
set = []
x = 1
dvt = ((x + k ) * (x + k - 1) - x*(x - 1))/k
When I run the program I only get
What is going on that I am not getting more than one derivative added to the list?
set You are saying
x += jump
This sets the value of x to 2 + 1e-14 which is greater than 1e-2
As I read the code, it seems that you may mean
myjump = pow(10, jump) #outside the loop
x *= myjump # inside the loop
This will multiply each loop through by 100 in the example and process 1e-14, 1e-12, 1e-10 ... 1e-2
Alternatively, if you meant to add it, then you should have said
x += myjump # inside the loop
or you need to test that jump is actually a fraction that is small enough to be processed.