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Microsoft Graph Client not specified resource in requiredResourceAccessList

I get the following error when I try to retrieve AccessToken.


Which is... This request has failed because the client has not specified this resource in its requiredResourceAccess list

It is a multitenant application in Azure Active Directory. I am able to login successfully with one of my email Ids but not with another one.

Where am I going wrong? What am I missing?

Code Snippet:

public ActionResult Login() {
Uri authUri = authContext.GetAuthorizationRequestURL(
string authUriAsString = authUri.ToString();
return Redirect(authUriAsString);

public async Task<ActionResult> Authorise()
    Uri loginRedirectUri = new Uri(Url.Action("Authorise", "MicrosoftGraph", null, Request.Url.Scheme));
    var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(MicrosoftGraphSettings.AzureADAuthority);

    var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync(
            new ClientCredential(MicrosoftGraphSettings.ClientId, MicrosoftGraphSettings.ClientSecret), 

I have tried the following

public static string O365UnifiedAPIResource = @"";
//public static string O365UnifiedAPIResource = @""; 

Using the second one, the authentication succeeds but whenever I use my existing code to access list of files in OneDrive for business account or create a text file, it throws an Unauthorized exception while making an API call.


  • That error message indicates that your application doesn't have delegated permissions for the "Microsoft Graph" ( resource.

    Please use the Azure Management Portal ( to configure delegated permissions for that resource. Find the app -> Configure -> "permissions to other applications" -> "Add application" -> select "Microsoft Graph".

    Since you're able to get a token for "" your application already has permissions configured for the "Windows Azure Active Directory" resource, but that is a different resource than "Microsoft Graph".