At first brush, OData seems like it will only appeal to "open" databases, and would never be used in envrionments where security is needed, especially with financial or government clients.
Is this the correct perspective to have with the current version of OData/WCF? If not, can you share whatever I would need to change that perspective?
Examples of current concerns include:
Update 2
Is it also possible for me to enforce business rules? For example a properly formatted SSN, Phone, or Zip. How about ensuring all fields are filled in?
oData is just a way to expose structured data through an open API. It does not requre any particular form of security; it's possible to have fully open datasets (like a wiki database) or world-readable-but-private-writeable (such as a database of votes by members of Congress, so anyone can read it but only you can update it). It also supports more complex security structures (such as a video rental store allowing customers to query only their own history).
Regarding your specific concerns:
, which properly escapes all values.Right now (to my knowledge), ADO.NET Data Services is the only oData provider available, and it's secure by default. I suppose that someone else could write an oData provider that wasn't secure by default or allowed SQL injection, but that would be foolish.
Also, remember that oData is completely divorced from the concept of authentication. It's up to you to use whatever authentication makes sense for your API. There's a great recent series of blog posts from the WCF team that address how oData works with various forms of authentication.