I have an edit form that is bound to existing data. I have two dropdowns that I would like have update each up depending on specific criteria. For example, is I set the assignedTo to blank, change the status to UnAssigned, and/or if I change the status to UnAssigned, change the AssignedTo to be blank, etc.
Status Dropdown:
<select class="form-control edit-status" id="status" name="status">
<option selected="{{equals status 'UnAssigned'}}" value="UnAssigned">UnAssigned</option>
<option selected="{{equals status 'Open w Vendor'}}" value="Open w Vendor">Ticket with Vendor</option>
<option selected="{{equals status 'Not Started'}}" value="Not Started">Not Started</option>
<option selected="{{equals status 'In Progress'}}" value="In Progress">In Progress</option>
<option selected="{{equals status 'Reopened'}}" value="Reopened">Reopened</option>
Assigned To Dropdown
<select class="form-control edit-assigned-to" id="assignedTo" name="assignedTo">
<option value="" selected="{{equals assignedTo ''}}">Select a User</option>
{{#each users}}
<option value="{{_id}}" selected="{{equals ../assignedTo _id}}">{{services.auth0.name}}</option>
I already have an equality helper on each of them to pick the value that is already set when loading the form data. I was thinking of using Reactive Vars with change events, but I'm unsure how to exactly to implement that or if I'm even on the right track. T
I ended up using some jquery in my change events.
'change .edit-status': function(event, template){
var status = event.target.value;
if (status === "UnAssigned") {
return false;
'change .edit-assigned-to': function(event, template){
var assignedTo = event.target.value;
if (!template.data.assignedTo && assignedTo !== "") {
$(".edit-status").val("Not Started");
if (assignedTo === "") {
return false;
I'm not sure if there are better approaches or pitfalls to this solution, but it seems to be meeting my needs.