I've a tape contains a corrupt tar file. I'm using Unix SunOS 5.5.1. So when I run this command :
dd if=/dev/rmt/0 of=/tmp/outputfile.tar
I get this error message :
warning /pci@1f, 0/pci@1/pci@1/sunw, isptwo@4/st@4,0 (st4): Error for command : read Error Level: Fatal Requested Block : 11900 Error Block : 11900 Vendor : TANDBERG Serial Number: =:CREATED081 Sense Key: Media Error ASC: 0x11 (unrecorded read error), ASCQ: 0x1, FRU: 0x0
Please Help me I really need solution for this problem
Finally I solved my problem ^^' it was the bs format type :D Data was written in 512 so I did this :
dd if=/dev/rmt/0 of=/tmp/outputfile.tar bs=512 and all is fine :)))