I have a DataGridView (dgwList), into which I load set of items. It's an intermediate form, where user needs to select Action and Category, for which I created DataGridViewComboBoxColumns and set them in Form_Load event like this:
dtCats = ds.Tables(0) ' Datatable with Categories
dtActions = ds.Tables(1) ' Datatable with Actions
Dim colCat As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn = Me.dgwList.Columns("Category")
Dim colActions As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn = Me.dgwList.Columns("Action")
colCat.ValueMember = "ID"
colCat.DisplayMember = "CategoryText"
colCat.DataSource = dtCats
colCat.DataPropertyName = "Category"
colActions.ValueMember = "ID"
colActions.DisplayMember = "Action"
colActions.DataSource = dtActions
colActions.DataPropertyName = "Action"
Everything works fine, when I load items (using another dataset) without default values of Action and Category, I can select them from the DropDownList. However, when I load the second dataset (ds) and use i.e. "Action" to load a value as a default SelectedValue like this:
Dim cmdtext As String = "SELECT ****, 2 as Action, *** WHERE ****; "
Dim ds As DataSet
ds = DAL.GetQueryResults(cmdtext) ' using own Data Access Layer to get dataSet
Me.dgwList.AutoGenerateColumns = False
Me.dgwList.DataSource = ds.Tables(0) ' load the data table
I get "Datagridviewcomboboxcell Value Is Not Valid" error. It seems, that it tries to load it as DisplayMember, or simply a Text property of the DatGridViewComboBoxCell, as it appears as selected text.
I spend a lot of time browsing forums and I found nothing related to dataset (except Set selectedValue in DataGridViewComboBoxColumn where was missing DataPropertyName). Everything is about loops and events raised by user over the comboboxcell.
I would like to avoid the error and use the dataset (not looping to modify each cell) to fill the default values of comboboxes. Any idea?
the Devil is in the detail. I had ID set to tinyint data type in the database, while when I was trying to set i.e. 2, it was handled as int32.
I forced input value to int16 and set ID to smallint in DB and then it works - I can set a value:
Dim CBox As DataGridViewComboBoxCell = CType(Me.dgwList.Rows(2).Cells("Category"), DataGridViewComboBoxCell)
CBox.Value = CType(2, System.Int16) ' set value to 2
So I found the problem, but it wouldn't qualify for an answer to my question, because it handles a particular cell, not the dataset. But adding CAST(.... as smallint) to SQL query fully resolves the issue (in combination with setting ID in database to smallint too):
CAST(CASE COL.Reason WHEN 'Service Fault' THEN 2 WHEN 'Program Fault' THEN 9 END as smallint) as Category
WHERE ... ORDER BY ....;