The ValuesAll function of the Deedle series according to the doco is to
Returns a collection of values, including possibly missing values. Note that the length of this sequence matches the `Keys` sequence.
However the following code will raise an error OptionalValue.Value: is not available. Is this expected behaviour? I was expecting ValuesAll can return double.nan
#I "..\..\packages\Deedle.1.2.4"
#load "Deedle.fsx"
open System
open System.Globalization
open System.Collections.Generic
open Deedle
let ts = [DateTime.Now.Date => Double.NaN; DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(1.0) => 1.0] |> series
27/01/16 12:00:00 AM -> <missing>
28/01/16 12:00:00 AM -> 1
val ts : Series<DateTime,float> =
27/01/16 12:00:00 AM -> <missing>
28/01/16 12:00:00 AM -> 1
val it : seq<float>
> ts.ValuesAll
val it : seq<float> = Error: OptionalValue.Value: Value is not available
There are different implementations for valuesAll
here and C#-friendly ValuesAll
here. The latter one just accesses the .Value
property of optional value and its signature is seq<float>
, not seq<float opt>
. Either implementation or docs are not consistent here.
When I used Deedle I filtered series with |> Series.dropMissing
as a quick workaround when I needed only present values.