I've been going over this for a while and can't manage to understand how to obtain my public/private keys for my automatically created service account in the google developers console.
I am making a python script that imports data using gspread from a google spreadsheet, and to authenticate myself through SignedJwtAssertionCredentials
I need an existent service account
The issue is:
I create a new project using: "Create a project"
But then when I go to Permissions/Permissions, I see that the service account I need is already created, but I don't have the keys for it.
I want to know how to get the @developer.gserviceaccount.com
keys since I have already tried importing data from google spreadsheets using my other @xxx-22324.iam.gserviceaccount.com
with no luck, it says the email address does not exist.
Whenever I go to API Manager / Credentials I only get the possibility to generate a key for my @mxxx-22324.iam.gserviceaccount.com
(The one that I can't use)
I solved my issue:
Google has updated its service account detail format and also it's way of sharing Spreadsheets with service accounts so that they can be accessible from gspread.
I created then a service account with the new formating : xxx@montredo-22324.iam.gserviceaccount.com and set the exact same file google generates as a JSON to be read by my application:
login = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(json_key['client_email'], json_key['private_key'], scope)
then shared without notifications the spreadsheet with my service account email (the same in the JSON file I just mentioned)
and voila.