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Magento Configurable Product Overwrite Defaults by URL

I was browsing through js/varien/configurable.js and noticed a comment that said, // Overwrite defaults by url. Does mean there is a way to pre-select the drop down values by altering the url?

If so, can you please show me an example of how this is accomplished (example: color)? Perhaps What are the options for the url to modify the selections? Associated sku? Attribute and option labels? Attribute and option IDs?

    // Overwrite defaults by url
    var separatorIndex = window.location.href.indexOf('#');
    if (separatorIndex != -1) {
        var paramsStr = window.location.href.substr(separatorIndex+1);
        var urlValues = paramsStr.toQueryParams();
        if (!this.values) {
            this.values = {};
        for (var i in urlValues) {
            this.values[i] = urlValues[i];

    // Overwrite defaults by inputs values if needed
    if (config.inputsInitialized) {
        this.values = {};
        this.settings.each(function(element) {
            if (element.value) {
                var attributeId =[a-z]*/, '');
                this.values[attributeId] = element.value;

Thank you in advance!


  • So it seems that you can pre-select product attribute options using the url, however, it is not a very user-friendly way of doing so. The full url must be followed by #attribute_id=option_id. You'll want to have access to the database to get the appropriate ids unless you have plans of using native Magento functions to implement this.


    When you load this url, Magento will pre-select those values from the dropdown menus. Believe me, I would rather it be something like this: #attribute_code=option_code (#color=dark_blue), although I am almost certain that there are only ids and labels for options of a drop down.

    If you're looking for a way to make this more user-friendly, perhaps try adding url rewrites to accomplish this. Example: to