I have a sequence of files names img-001.png
, img-002.png
I want to assemble them into a video with only one image per second (fps=1).
How can I do this with avconv ? I have tried using
avconv -i img-%03d.png -r 1 a.avi
avconv -i img-%03d.png -framerate 1 a.avi
avconv -i img-%03d.png -framerate 1 -r 1 a.avi
neither of these work properly. It seems that the video is produced at fps=24 and that it only takes img-001.png
and img-025.png
... and skips every image in between.
avconv -framerate 1 -i img-%03d.png -r 1 a.avi
(this syntax works with ffmpeg; should work here too)