I'm getting blank data while loading JSON data into Dropdown using Angular ng-options.
My JSON Values
"tagFormat": {
"displayText": "Tag Format",
"options": [{
"value": "js",
"name": "JS"
}, {
"value": "vast",
"name": "VAST"
<div class="select_padding">
<select class="form-control" ng-options="otf.value as otf.name for otf in details.tagFormat.options">
<option>Select Tag Format</option>
here details is my scope variable.
how to get these data and also next time I need to use selected value. so Do I need to bind with ng-model ?
Here is the working code:
<select class="form-control" ng-options="item as item.name for item in details.tagFormat.options track by item.value" ng-model="selected">
<option value="">Select Tag Format</option>
In $scope.selected
you read the selected item.
Check this example on Codepen: http://codepen.io/beaver71/pen/Vexwmr