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How to upload file to Object Storage in Bluemix (by nodejs)

I am trying to use the Object Storage Service at IBM Bluemix Cloud, but I can't send images from my nodejs server. How can I do this? Follow my server code:

    .post(MY_CONTAINER + new_fname)
    .headers({'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', 'X-Auth-Token': token})
    .field({ 'max_file_count': 1 })
    .field({ 'max_file_size': 1 })
    .attach({ 'file': file.originalname, 'relative file': streamFile })
    .end(function (resp) {

The main problem is to find the right way to send an image (png or jpg) to the bluemix storage using the API (I've aready uploaded it to our server).


  • I used the pkgcloud-bluemix-objectstorage to fix the OpenStack authentication bug that previously used the v2 and has been changed to use the v3.

    here's the link Bluemix - object storage - node.js - pkgcloud - openstack returns 401

    the @libik writes an example.

    var pkgcloud = require('pkgcloud-bluemix-objectstorage');
    var fs = require('fs');
    // Create a config object
    var config = {};
    // Specify Openstack as the provider
    config.provider = "openstack";
    // Authentication url
    config.authUrl = '';
    config.region= 'dallas';
    // Use the service catalog
    config.useServiceCatalog = true;
    // true for applications running inside Bluemix, otherwise false
    config.useInternal = false;
    // projectId as provided in your Service Credentials
    config.tenantId = '234567890-0987654';
    // userId as provided in your Service Credentials
    config.userId = '098765434567890';
    // username as provided in your Service Credentials
    config.username = 'admin_34567890-09876543';
    // password as provided in your Service Credentials
    config.password = 'sdfghjklkjhgfds';
    **//This is part which is NOT in original pkgcloud. This is how it works with newest version of bluemix and pkgcloud at 22.12.2015. 
    //In reality, anything you put in this config.auth will be send in body to server, so if you need change anything to make it work, you can. PS : Yes, these are the same credentials as you put to config before. 
    //I do not fill this automatically to make it transparent.
    config.auth = {
        forceUri  : "", //force uri to v3, usually you take the baseurl for authentication and add this to it /v3/auth/tokens (at least in bluemix)    
        interfaceName : "public", //use public for apps outside bluemix and internal for apps inside bluemix. There is also admin interface, I personally do not know, what it is for.
        "identity": {
            "methods": [
            "password": {
                "user": {
                    "id": "098765434567890", //userId
                    "password": "sdfghjklkjhgfds" //userPassword
        "scope": {
            "project": {
                "id": "234567890-0987654" //projectId
    //console.log("config: " + JSON.stringify(config));
    // Create a pkgcloud storage client
    var storageClient =;
    // Authenticate to OpenStack
    storageClient.auth(function (error) {
        if (error) {
            console.error("storageClient.auth() : error creating storage client: ", error);
        } else {
            var new_fname = dir + "__" + file.originalname;
            var readStream = fs.createReadStream('uploads/' + file.filename);
            var writeStream = storageClient.upload({
                container: 'chat-files',
                remote: new_fname
            writeStream.on('error', function(err) {
                // handle your error case
                console.log("concluido o upload com erro!");
            writeStream.on('success', function(file) {
                // success, file will be a File model
                console.log("concluido o upload com sucesso!");