I have made a Python script wherein I process a big html with BeautifulSoup while I build a tree from it using treelib: http://xiaming.me/treelib/. I have found that this library comes with methods to save the tree file on my system and also parsing it to JSON. But after I do this, how can I load it? It is not efficient to build the same entire tree for each run. I think I can make a function to parse the JSON tree previously written to a file but I just want to be sure if there exists another easy way or not.
Thanks in advance
With this treelib, you can't.
As they say in their documentation (http://xiaming.me/treelib/pyapi.html#node-objects):
tree.save2file(filename[, nid[, level[, idhidden[, filter[, key[, reverse]]]]]]])
Save the tree into file for offline analysis.
It does not contain any JSON-Parser, so it can not read the files.
You have no other option as building the tree each time for every run.
Implement a JSON-Reader that parses the file and creates the tree for you.