So I've been developing a GraphAware Runtime module to extend Neo4J functionality. According to GraphAware, in order to enable logging I need to add a slf4j provided dependency to my module and add an entry to custom-logback.xml file.
That unfortunately doesn't seem to work. Specifying custom log levels doesn't seem to affect what is being printed in the console, and adding a new appender (file) doesn't seem to take any effect, i.e. no files are created.
Did anyone have a go at adding logs to graphaware runtime modules? Also, how would one debug such a module, if you have to deploy it to neo4j, and it's being run by the neo4j itself?
So I'm using Neo4J 2.3.2 and the custom-logback.xml file didn't exist orignally in the package, and I had to create it. I just checked and downloaded 2.2.8 version, and that file seems to exist in that package. Did anything change in the 2.3 version of Neo4J in terms of logging?
Turns out adding a logback.xml
file to your conf
directory with contents along these lines seems to work perfectly. I'll update the docs, please let me know if that worked. Cheers!
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ} %-5level %msg%n</pattern>
<logger name="com.graphaware" level="INFO"/>
<root level="DEBUG">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>