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left-closed Interval of dates unexpected, query using NHIBERNATE

I have a method in a DAL class:

public IList<HouseHold> FindByDate(DateTime start, DateTime end)
    using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.AbreSession())
        return session.CreateCriteria<HouseHold>()
            .Add(Expression.Between("RegistrationDate", start, end))

With this, I expected to get data from dates between a closed interval. But when I use this method and it the result is a left-closed interval, like this:

private IList<HouseHold> LoadData()
    hh = dao.FindByDate(start.SelectedDate.Value, end.SelectedDate.Value);
    return hh;

I choose dates between 20/08/2015 and 22/08/2015 from DataPicker (WPF), it shows results from 20 to 21. But When I choose dates 20/08/2015 and 23/08/2015 it shows results from 20 to 22, while I know that are results from 23!

What's wrong?


  • Seems we have to convert morning time to midnight time. I.e from 23/08/2015 00:00 - we need 23/08/2015 23:59

    The most simple way would be just to add a day

    .Add(Expression.Between("RegistrationDate", start, end.AddDay(1)))