I'm studying the datalab jupyter notebook tutorial ~/datalab/tutorials/BigQuery/'Importing and Exporting Data.ipynb'. I'm having trouble understanding the behavior of:
table.extract(destination = sample_bucket_object)
The resulting csv of this extraction contains:
1997,Ford,E350,"ac, abs, moon",3000
1999,Chevy,Venture Extended Edition,,4900
1999,Chevy,Venture Extended Edition,Very Large,5000
1996,Jeep,Grand Cherokee,"MUST SELL! air, moon roof, loaded",4799
This looks incomplete. It extracted only those 4 rows inserted into the table from cars.csv when the table was first filled by:
sample_table.load('gs://cloud-datalab-samples/cars.csv', mode='append',
source_format = 'csv', csv_options=bq.CSVOptions(skip_leading_rows = 1))
It ignores the additional 2 rows from cars2.csv added by the commands:
cars2 = storage.Item('cloud-datalab-samples', 'cars2.csv').read_from()
df2 = pd.read_csv(StringIO(cars2))
df2.fillna(value='', inplace=True)
which did make it into the table:
SELECT * FROM sample.cars
Year Make Model Description Price
1997 Ford E350 ac, abs, moon 3000
1999 Chevy Venture Extended Edition 4900
1999 Chevy Venture Extended Edition Very Large 5000
1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee MUST SELL! air, moon roof, loaded 4799
2015 Tesla Model S 64900
2010 Honda Civic 15000
As a test I switched cars.csv and cars2.csv in the notebook and re-ran all commands. The table.extract() then only exported the cars2.csv rows:
2015,Tesla,Model S,,64900
What am I missing here?
My guess is that sample_table.insert_data(df2)
is using the streaming API to insert data into the table. Data inserted in this way can take some time to be available via copy and export operations, but is immediately available for querying.
From BigQuery's documentation on streaming:
Data can take up to 90 minutes to become available for copy and export operations. To see whether data is available for copy and export, check the tables.get response for a section named streamingBuffer. If that section is absent, your data should be available for copy or export.