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trouble understanding difference in 'find' output for bash using prompt, positional parameters

So I am trying to understand the difference between two results in Bash to further my understanding of positional parameters:

$ find ./*.md


$ ./ ./*.md

where is:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
find $1 

In my understanding, these two should operations should be identical, but the use of positional parameters seems to return only one item. What am I not getting?


  • In both cases, your interactive bash is expanding ./*.md before calling find. So your first command expands to this:

    find ./ ./ ./ ./

    In the second case, your command expands to this:

    ./ ./ ./ ./ ./

    Then the script runs, and expands the command in the script to this:

    find ./

    Perhaps you meant to quote the wildcard:

    find './*.md'
    ./ './*.md'

    But in either case, find will fail because the first arguments to find (before any arguments that start with -) are the names of directories in which to search. There is no directory whose name is ./*.md, because / cannot occur in a file or directory name.

    Perhaps you meant this, to find all files whose names match *.md, anywhere under the current directory:

    find . -name '*.md'

    Perhaps you meant this, to find all files in the current directory (but not subdirectories) whose names match *.md:

    find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.md'