I'm trying to slide up some part of my app.
I searched for some info and I found out this post here in Stackoverflow -> How to auto-slide the window out from behind keyboard when TextInput has focus?
The thing is that my app is a little bit different and I don't know where to put the Scrollview tags.
I got this distribution:
<View style={ styles.container }>
<View style={ styles.header }>
<View style={ styles.headerTextContainer }>
<Text style={ styles.headerText } onPress={() => this.refs.listView.getScrollResponder().scrollTo(0) }>Parte { this.props.partNumber } - { this.state.totalComments } comentarios</Text>
style={ styles.content }
ref="listView" />
<View style={ styles.footer }>
<View style={ styles.footerTextInputContainer }>
style={ styles.footerTextInput }
onChangeText={(text) => console.log(text) }
placeholder="Escribe un comentario" />
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => console.log("SEND COMMENT") } underlayColor="#ffffff">
<View style={ styles.footerSendButtonContainer }>
<Text style={ styles.footerSendButton }>Enviar</Text>
The only thing I want to slide up when keyboard appears is the footer View.
I hope someone can help me out.
Thank you :)
I was be able to do it by using this component: react-native-keyboard-spacer