I have a widget grid type module, which i want to move into magento system config.
I have added the following into my system.xml:
<label>Serial Numbers</label>
but apparently it shows nothing. as the Block extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Container .
If anyone can point me where to look for my answer this would be great (Did searches and did not find anything useful).
You have to modify your config.xml, to show this up in System Configuration section.
<YOUR_MODULE translate="title">
<title><![CDATA[MY TITLE]]></title>
And in your system.xml :
<YOUR_MODULE_tab translate="label" module="YOUR_MODULE">
<class>container_admin_img</class> /*optionnal*/
<label>Serial Numbers</label>
Hope this helps.
Take a look at Alan Storm's No Frills Magento Layout book, or on his website : http://alanstorm.com/category/magento