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How can I get all the property-names of different nodes?

I want to get the effect like using Oracle.

For example,I hava two tables: Student, Tearcher. I can get all the column names of the two tables using SQL.

Now, I have two nodes: one with label Student with Name, age, sex, grade properties, another with label Teacher and Name, sex, salary properties.

Can I get all the property names with Neo4jClient using Cypher?

Thx Z.Tom


  • You could use the keys function, if you want to get the properties by label you could match accordingly with a query like:

    MATCH (a:Student) WITH keys(a) as k UNWIND k as x RETURN DISTINCT x

    Will return all the existing properties on the nodes labeled as Student


    • The query matches all the nodes labeled as Student.
    • It extracts the property keys of the nodes using keys, then passes them by as arrays WITH
    • UNWIND catches the arrays and splits them into single rows
    • RETURN DISTINCT returns the property names as rows avoiding duplicates


    On C# using Neo4jClient the code to execute that query would be something like:

    client = new GraphClient(new Uri(connString), dbuser, dbpass);
    var results = (Result)client.Cypher.Match("(a:Student)")
                                       .With("keys(a) as k")
                                       .Unwind("k as x")

    Having a class setup for results like this:

    public class Result
        public string x { get; set; }