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Libgdx crop image to circle

I'm looking for a way to crop a photo taken from the users gallery to a circle, to be displayed as a profile picture basically.

I've been recommended to use Masking . But I can't work out how to actually do it. There are virtually no examples of it, except with android code. But since I'm going to port my game to IOS as well I need a Libgdx solution.

So has anyone done this before and have an working example perhaps?

Here's how I'll fetch the image:

ublic void invokeGallery() {
    if (utils != null) {
        loading = true;
        utils.pickImage(new utilsInterface.Callback() {
            public ImageHandler onImagePicked(final InputStream stream) {
                loading = true;
                final byte[] data;
                try {
                    data = StreamUtils.copyStreamToByteArray(stream);

           Runnable() {
                        public void run() {

                            loading = false;

                } catch (IOException e) {
                loading = false;
                return null;


  • I use this, it works, but there is no interpolation, which means the edges are pixelated. You can chose to either implement interpolation or use a border!

    public static Pixmap roundPixmap(Pixmap pixmap)
        int width = pixmap.getWidth();
        int height = pixmap.getHeight();
        Pixmap round = new Pixmap(pixmap.getWidth(),pixmap.getHeight(),Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
        if(width != height)
  "error", "Cannot create round image if width != height");
            return pixmap;
        double radius = width/2.0;
        for(int y=0;y<height;y++)
            for(int x=0;x<width;x++)
                //check if pixel is outside circle. Set pixel to transparant;
                double dist_x = (radius - x);
                double dist_y = radius - y;
                double dist = Math.sqrt((dist_x*dist_x) + (dist_y*dist_y));
                if(dist < radius)
                    round.drawPixel(x, y,pixmap.getPixel(x, y));
                    round.drawPixel(x, y, 0);
        }"info", "pixmal rounded!");
        return round;

    Do keep in mind this will all be unmanaged! To make life easier I usually save the image and load it as a managed texture.