How can I get non-mapped column in result from native query?
My query:
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createNativeQuery(
"SELECT, m.title, MATCH(m.title) AGAINST('$slug') AS score "
. "FROM music AS m "
. "ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 100", $rsm);
Column score
isn't mapped in entity and I don't have access to its value from Twig. Is it possible to add this column into entity only for this query?
If you want to show score inside Twig template, you can try following steps:
1) Add $score attribute without any mapping configuration to your Music entity:
class Music {
//Other mappings
protected $score;
//TODO: add getter/setter for $score
2) Add it to your ResultSetMapper:
$rsm->addRootEntityFromClassMetadata('YourBundle:Music', 'm');
$rsm->addMetaResult('m', 'score', 'score', false, 'integer'); //first 'score' is your DB alias
3) Call in your search.html.twig
{{ object.score }}
Where object is your Music entity.
Additional information about pure and mixed results could be found here.