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Python not reading data from file?

My program is suppose to be reading from a file of scores which works all fine and dandy. However, I need to check this file to see if someone has there name in it 3 or more times. My method for checking this is:

    with open(fileName,"a+") as f:
    i = 0
    for i, l in enumerate(f, 1):

    count = 0
    for find in range(i):
        data = f.readline()
        if vName in data:
            if count ==3:
                print("You have already played 3 times!")
                return 0

Enumerate counts the amount of lines in the file. Then I create a loop with the amount of lines and read the data line by line. Then I check if the name is in that data. A small sample of the file I check:

Reece 7
Reece 3
Reece 2
John 1

So Reece is there 3 times, why doesn't my program see that? I checked that vName is correct and it is, when I print vName I receive "Reece". So again... why doesn't my program find this in the file.


  • Looks like your first loop reads through the entire file, and so by the time you run your second loop the file has already ended. Could do a to start over. Alternatively, the following only goes through the file once:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    def check(filename, vName):
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            count = 0
            for data in f:
                if vName in data:
                    count += 1
                    if count == 3:
                        print("You have already played 3 times!")
                        return 0
    check("a.txt", "Reece")