I compile application with CodeTyphon for Motorola MC32N0 device (processor: Cortex A9 OMAP4430; OS: Windows CE 7.00).
When I try launch application, it crashes on start with unspecific message: " An unhandled exception occurred at $000xxxxx: EAccessViolation: Access violation $000xxxxx ".
Compiler settings are:
P.S. aygshell.dll, coredll.dll, oleaut32.dll, commctrl.dll and other dlls are in Windows folder. I can not copy them to application folder because system does not allow copy files from rom, but I think it is not important.
May be someone had same problem?
Your target OS is not supported yet, so it will not work. According to http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/WinCE_port last supported version is Windows Mobile 6.5 - WinCE version: 5.2.1.