Using RichTextFX I've been able to create a CodeArea
which takes a string, and highlights any words that fall into the String[] KEYWORDS
I have a checkbox control above the CodeArea
which I attach a handler()
to in my controller code, so whenever the checkbox is clicked it de-highlights all the highlighted words in the CodeArea
. I'm having trouble de-highlighting (making text background white) the text within the CodeArea
because the styleClass is defined in a StyleSpans
method shown below. Right now everything works except when I click the checkbox, it won't de-highlight the words:
<CheckBox fx:id="highlightBox" mnemonicParsing="false" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="154.0" stylesheets="@styleMain.css" text="Highlight Words" />
<CodeArea fx:id="codeBox" wrapText="true" prefHeight="240.0" prefWidth="339.0">
Java Controller:
CheckBox highlightBox;
public CodeArea codeBox;
private static final String[] KEYWORDS = new String[] {
private static final String KEYWORD_PATTERN = "\\b(" + String.join("|", KEYWORDS) + ")\\b";
private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?<KEYWORD>" + KEYWORD_PATTERN + ")");
public static final String demoText = "one two three four five";
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
//Highlighting Words
codeBox.richChanges().subscribe(change -> {
codeBox.setStyleSpans(0, computeHighlighting(codeBox.getText()));
codeBox.replaceText(0, 0, demoText);
highlightBox.setOnAction(new EventHandler < ActionEvent > () {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
codeBox.setStyle("-fx-background-color: blue"); // this should instead change 'highlightKeyWords' background color to white
} //End of initialize
public static StyleSpans < Collection < String >> computeHighlighting(String text) {
Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(text);
int lastKwEnd = 0;
StyleSpansBuilder < Collection < String >> spansBuilder = new StyleSpansBuilder < > ();
while (matcher.find()) {
String styleClass ="KEYWORD") != null ? "highlightKeyWords" :
null; /* never happens */
assert styleClass != null;
spansBuilder.add(Collections.emptyList(), matcher.start() - lastKwEnd);
spansBuilder.add(Collections.singleton(styleClass), matcher.end() - matcher.start());
lastKwEnd = matcher.end();
spansBuilder.add(Collections.emptyList(), text.length() - lastKwEnd);
return spansBuilder.create();
In the handler I successfully change the background of the CodeArea
to blue but if I instead try propertyOverview.setStyle("-fx-background-fill: blue;");
it doesn't change anything, the words stay highlighted. This is because I should be referencing highlightKeyWords
which is created in the computeHighlighting
method. Should I use something like highlightKeyWords.setStyle("-fx-background-fill: white")
-fx-background-color: grey;
-fx-background-fill: yellow;
Here the -fx-background-fill: yellow;
works fine to highlight, but how do I change it to white in the handler?
Use a "looked-up color", defined on the CodeArea
, and change it with setStyle
First, just add a CSS id to the CodeArea
<CodeArea id="codeBox" fx:id="codeBox" wrapText="true" prefHeight="240.0" prefWidth="339.0">
Then update the CSS as follows:
#codeBox {
-keyword-highlight: yellow ;
-fx-background-color: grey;
-fx-background-fill: -keyword-highlight;
And then in your initialize()
method do
highlightBox.selectedProperty().addListener((obs, wasSelected, isNowSelected) -> {
if (isNowSelected) {
codeBox.setStyle("-keyword-highlight: yellow ;");
} else {
codeBox.setStyle("-keyword-highlight: white ;");