folowing this
having :
invite: function(partyId: string, userId: string) {
check(partyId, String);
check(userId, String);
let party = Parties.findOne(partyId);
if (!party)
throw new Meteor.Error('404', 'No such party!');
if (party.public)
throw new Meteor.Error('400', 'That party is public. No need to invite people.');
if (party.owner !== this.userId)
throw new Meteor.Error('403', 'No permissions!');
if (userId !== party.owner && (party.invited || []).indexOf(userId) == -1) {
Parties.update(partyId, { $addToSet: { invited: userId } });
let from = getContactEmail(Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId));
let to = getContactEmail(Meteor.users.findOne(userId));
if (Meteor.isServer && to) {
from: '',
to: to,
replyTo: from || undefined,
subject: 'PARTY: ' +,
text: `Hi, I just invited you to ${} on Socially.
\n\nCome check it out: ${Meteor.absoluteUrl()}\n`
then in the Party-Detail.ts we have
invite(user:Meteor.User) {'invite',, user._id, (error) => {
if (error) {
alert(`Failed to invite due to ${error}`);
alert('User successfully invited.');
When the user click on Invite how the code is executed ?
In the client and the Server at the same time ?
Assuming that your Meteor.methods()
are in your /lib
folder then when a method is called:
The overall effect is called latency compensation. The client gets the illusion (simulation) of an instant result while the server is given time to catch up in the background.