I'm using the httr
to access the API for stockfighter, a CTF style trading game.
The GET function is working without any problems, but when I try and authenticate using an API key in the headers it doesn't appear to be working. Here's my place_order
place_order <- function(acct, exchange, stock, price, qty,
direction = c("buy", "sell"),
type = c("limit", "market", "fill-or-kill",
"immediate-or-cancel")) {
# Place a stock order
if (!exists("key")) stop("No authorisation key defined.")
direction <- match.arg(direction)
type <- match.arg(type)
bdy <- list("account" = acct, "venue" = exchange, "symbol" = stock,
"price" = price, "qty" = qty, "direction" = direction,
"orderType" = type)
rurl <- paste(burl, "/venues/", exchange, "/stocks/", stock, "/orders",
sep = "")
r <- POST(rurl, body = bdy, add_headers(`X-Starfighter-Authorization` = key))
This is what I get in return:
[1] "invalid character '-' in numeric literal"
It appears that the JSON is not escaping the dashes correctly.
This is the response I get when I post to httpbin instead of the API:
named list()
[1] ""
named list()
[1] "RB34256134"
[1] "buy"
[1] "limit"
[1] "12400"
[1] "100"
[1] "FOOBAR"
[1] "TESTEX"
[1] "application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*"
[1] "gzip, deflate"
[1] "751"
[1] "multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------49a2e51c0c6926dd"
[1] "httpbin.org"
[1] "libcurl/7.43.0 r-curl/0.9.4 httr/"
[1] ""
[1] "http://httpbin.org/post"
I feel like this is probably a really stupid simple error but I can't work it out.
Here's the python method using requests
and json
that works perfectly.
def sf_post(path, data, key, **kwargs):
base_url = "https://api.stockfighter.io/ob/api/"
r = requests.post("%s/%s" % (base_url, path), data = data, headers = {'X-Starfighter-Authorization': key}, **kwargs)
def order(self, price, qty, direction, order_type):
data = dict(account = self.account, venue = self.exchange, symbol = self.symbol, price = price, qty = qty,
direction = direction, orderType = order_type)
r = sf_post("%s/orders" % self.rurl, data = json.dumps(data), key = self.key)
return r.json()
cph = Stock("CPH", "EXMBEX", account = "ACCOUNTCODEHERE", key = os.environ.get("SF_KEY"))
cph.order(5000, qty = 100, direction = "buy", order_type = "limit")
{u'direction': u'buy', u'ok': True, u'ts': u'2016-01-24T00:35:21.148877285Z', u'fills': [{u'price': 4694, u'ts': u'2016-01-24T00:35:21.148881279Z', u'qty': 100}], u'originalQty': 100, u'orderType': u'limit', u'symbol': u'CPH', u'venue': u'EXMBEX', u'account': u'SSM90915021', u'qty': 0, u'id': 754, u'totalFilled': 100, u'open': False, u'price': 5000}
I thought I was probably missing something stupid, and as @hadley pointed out in the comments I was. I needed to add encode = "json"
to my POST call. For posterity here's the updated function code:
place_order <- function(acct, exchange, stock, price, qty,
direction = c("buy", "sell"),
type = c("limit", "market", "fill-or-kill",
"immediate-or-cancel")) {
if (!exists("key")) stop("No authorisation key defined.")
direction <- match.arg(direction)
type <- match.arg(type)
bdy <- list("account" = acct, "venue" = exchange, "symbol" = stock,
"price" = price, "qty" = qty, "direction" = direction,
"orderType" = type)
rurl <- paste(burl, "venues/", exchange, "/stocks/", stock, "/orders",
sep = "")
r <- POST(rurl, body = bdy,
add_headers(`X-Starfighter-Authorization` = key),
encode = "json")