I wrote the following recursive function in order to parse some settings and correctly populate some log file objects I have.
When I run this code against Code Climate it tells me that (of course) the use of eval
is not encouraged. Is there a way I can rewrite this method so I do not need eval
and also do not need a case
statement? Nothing comes to mind.
def parse(settings, logfile = nil)
settings.each do |key, value|
if value.is_a?(Hash)
logfile = Logmsg::LogFile.new
parse(value, logfile)
eval("logfile.#{key} = value")
Any ideas?
I am trying the instance_variable_set
meta-programming method however I am still running into some issues with it. For some reason my tests are all failing now due to
Argument Error: comparison of Fixnum with String failed
I am still trying to figure that out.
Since assignment to an object's attribute is just syntactic sugar for a method call (i.e obj.foo = bar
is the same as calling the foo=
method on obj
with the argument bar
), use Object#public_send
logfile.public_send(:"#{key}=", value)
In older code you often see send
instead of public_send
, but you should use the latter since it will raise an error if you try to call a private method.