I'm using the topicmodels package for LDA. I would like to create a visualization that shows how related or non-related each topic is. I envision a cluster of words that are unique to topic 1, but with a few keywords that are shared connecting to another topic. Any advice here would be great. To continue:
To do this, I need to know the each term probability to each topic. How do I get this with the topicmodels package? I can view the terms with:
terms(LDAmodel, 15)
But I don't know how to get values. Ideas?
You can use posterior()$terms
to get the posterior probability for each term. posterior()$topics
gives the probability for documents.
Example adapted from help(LDA)
data("AssociatedPress", package = "topicmodels")
lda <- LDA(AssociatedPress[1:20,], k = 2)
terms <- posterior(lda)$terms
## posterior probability for the first 5 terms (alphabetically)
aaron abandon abandoned abandoning abbott
1 3.720076e-44 3.720076e-44 3.720076e-44 3.720076e-44 3.720076e-44
2 3.720076e-44 3.720076e-44 3.720076e-44 3.720076e-44 3.720076e-44