So I'm trying to debug 'ccom' which was compiled with debug symbols. And so it should perhaps have source file (and lines) information included. I'm debugging it using IDA Pro 'linux_serverx64' (on host) and IDA Pro 6.6 x64 running in Wine (connected to host).
I've set breakpoints on various places inside the program. My problem is that sometimes I can source-debug with IDA Pro and sometimes no.
For example now I've a break-point in 'main'. Like my 2nd try before, when the execution reached it - it allowed source debugging (and so switched to source code automatically) but like right now it wouldn't do it again. What's this?
I had this problem before too and is driving me mad.
The problem was that 'clang' (the compiler I used) is storing the source paths as they were being originally passed as arguments. And as I've been using relative patches - this had somehow confused IDA Pro.
You need to pass your source-files to the clang-driver with their absolute path. This solved my problem.