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laravel uuid not showing in query

I've a postgres database table that uses uuid's as its primary key, via the webpatser/laravel-uuid package, and 'readable' web ids via vinkla/hashids.

When I query the database, if I dd() the response, I see the UUID in full, but if I simply return, I instead get an integer.

Presume I've overlooking something obvious, so:





public function store()
    $data = [
        'id' => Uuid::generate(4)->string,
        'web_id' => Hashids::encode(mt_rand(1,1000000)),

I'm assuming something happens when the data is cast to json, but I'm not sure where'd I'd begin to tackle this...

I also see the same behaviour in artisan tinker, fwiw:

 >>> $result = App\Model::firstOrFail() 
 => App\Model {#675
     id: "587bb487-881d-417e-8960-fbecaa3b270b",
     web_id: "Mxqv4LYP",
     created_at: "2016-01-25 15:52:25+00",
     updated_at: "2016-01-25 15:52:25+00",

 >>> $result->id
 => 587


  • Eloquent makes the assumption that the primary key (which is named id by default) is an integer, and it casts it to int by default in the getCasts method:

    public function getCasts()
        if ($this->incrementing) {
            return array_merge([
                $this->getKeyName() => 'int',
            ], $this->casts);
        return $this->casts;

    This can be overwritten by specifying that the primary key is not auto incrementing by adding this to your model:

    $incrementing = false;

    Or by casting the id column to string in the $casts property of the model, like so:

    protected $casts = [
        'id' => 'string'

    As described in the Eloquent: Attribute Casting documentation.