I've a postgres database table that uses uuid's as its primary key, via the webpatser/laravel-uuid package, and 'readable' web ids via vinkla/hashids.
When I query the database, if I dd() the response, I see the UUID in full, but if I simply return, I instead get an integer.
Presume I've overlooking something obvious, so:
public function store()
$data = [
'id' => Uuid::generate(4)->string,
'web_id' => Hashids::encode(mt_rand(1,1000000)),
I'm assuming something happens when the data is cast to json, but I'm not sure where'd I'd begin to tackle this...
I also see the same behaviour in artisan tinker, fwiw:
>>> $result = App\Model::firstOrFail()
=> App\Model {#675
id: "587bb487-881d-417e-8960-fbecaa3b270b",
web_id: "Mxqv4LYP",
created_at: "2016-01-25 15:52:25+00",
updated_at: "2016-01-25 15:52:25+00",
>>> $result->id
=> 587
Eloquent makes the assumption that the primary key (which is named id
by default) is an integer, and it casts it to int
by default in the getCasts
public function getCasts()
if ($this->incrementing) {
return array_merge([
$this->getKeyName() => 'int',
], $this->casts);
return $this->casts;
This can be overwritten by specifying that the primary key is not auto incrementing by adding this to your model:
$incrementing = false;
Or by casting the id
column to string
in the $casts
property of the model, like so:
protected $casts = [
'id' => 'string'
As described in the Eloquent: Attribute Casting documentation.