I am using Smartgit and Bitbucket to commit my code. I did not check in code for many weeks and now I am so many commits behind. I am working from my own branch say branch x; not the Develop branch. My problem is I need to get caught up on those many commits behind from Smartgit. I am new to Smartgit and wondering: how do I get those commits I am behind on into my current branch so that I can merge conflicts locally and check in and be finally caught up?
1. I tried Pull, Merge fetched remote changes NOT Rebase local
branch onto fetched changes
2. I tried looking for 'Integrate Develop' by right clicking on
my Git-Flow feature branch and that 'Integrate Develop' option wasn't available
Does anyone have any idea how, from my feature branch, I would get the latest code from Bitbucket, using SMARTGIT so that I am no longer 200 commits behind and thereby having conflicts when going to check in my code?
PS. I am NOT using GIT command prompt; I'd prefer a solution that uses Smartgit but if you have an idea using the command prompt only, then that's fine as well, thanks.
Open the Log and make sure that your feature branch is HEAD (green arrow). Make sure that your remote origin/develop
is visible (selected in the Branches view, you may use Reveal there). Finally, select origin/develop
and from the context menu invoke Rebase HEAD to. Alternatively, if you prefer merging, select Merge.