I have a list of players which belong to a group each. How can I use a filter to list the users per group? I need to get the output with correspong team count also
This is my script.js
.controller('MainController', function($scope) {
$scope.players = [
{name: 'A', team: 'alpha', score: 10},
{name: 'B', team: 'beta', score: 14},
{name: 'C', team: 'gamma', score: 8},
{name: 'D', team: 'beta', score: 28},
{name: 'E', team: 'gamma', score: 7},
{name: 'F', team: 'beta', score: 28},
{name: 'G', team: 'beta', score: 28},
{name: 'H', team: 'alpha', score: 10},
{name: 'I', team: 'beta', score: 28},
{name: 'J', team: 'gamma', score: 7},
{name: 'K', team: 'alpha', score: 10},
{name: 'L', team: 'gamma', score: 7},
{name: 'M', team: 'gamma', score: 7},
this is my html file
<div ng-controller="MainController">
<ul ng-repeat="(key, value) in players | groupBy: 'team'">
Group name: {{ key }}
<li ng-repeat="player in value">
player: {{ player.name }}
<li>score: {{value | map: 'score' | sum}}</li>
i need to get the output including the corresponding team count as
Group name: alpha 3
player: A
player: H
player: K
score: 30
Group name: beta 5
player: B
player: D
Group name: gamma 5
alpha 3 beta 5 gamma 5 are the count of items
Just add the length of group to HTML like this {{ value.length }}
<div ng-controller="MainController">
<ul ng-repeat="(key, value) in players | groupBy: 'team'">
Group name: {{ key }} {{ value.length }}
<li ng-repeat="player in value">
player: {{ player.name }}
<li>score: {{value | map: 'score' | sum}}</li>