Search code examples

Multiselect checkboxes List not displayed in window with scroll bar

I have a requirement where I want to display opportunity fields with checkboxes . I have done this using selectCheckBoxes but I am not able to display the contents in a small box in my Vf Page with Scroll bar as in the imageenter image description here But I am getting the list like below:enter image description here

sample code---

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
        <apex:outputPanel >
             <apex:outputLabel value="Choose the query fields below." ></apex:outputLabel>
             <apex:outputPanel >
                <apex:selectCheckboxes layout="pageDirection" value="{!getfieldname}" borderVisible="true" >
                   <apex:selectOptions value="{!listCustomFields}"></apex:selectOptions>

Can anyone help me for this?


  • Added style to the fieldset and now its as I wanted

                            height: 84px;
                            width: 181px;
                            overflow: auto;