I'm trying to compile a project developed in C language for iOS devices. It uses custom library file, libcurl, libcrypto, libssl and libpthread. I have successfully compiled it for Mac OS X, but having issues compiling it for iOS. Also, any help I try to find online is more of Xcode GUI help, and I need command line help for it. Need to compile it through commands instead of Xcode GUI.
First it needs to compile couple of C files, then make a static library file out of these compiled files, which further used when compiling a native binary.
This is how I generated iOS arm ouptut files from c files inside file01:
Store the iphoneos sdk path in environemnt variable:
CC="$(xcrun --sdk iphoneos9.2 --find clang) -isysroot $(xcrun --sdk iphoneos9.2 --show-sdk-path) -arch armv7 -arch armv7s -arch arm64 -arch armv6 -arch arm64"
Compile the c files in file01 with command:
$CC -c -O2 *.c
To check which architect these files are compiled for can be checked with this lipo
command. Example:
$ lipo -info example_file01.o
Architectures in the fat file: example_file01.o are: armv7 armv7s armv6 arm64
To make a static library file I can get iOS ar
file path using command:
$ xcrun --sdk iphoneos9.2 --find ar /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ar
I could store the path in an environment variable, but it was not working throwing error not recognising ar
command arguments rcu
. So, used the ar
path instead to create the library file with this command:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ar rcu ../output/libfile01.a *.o
If checking which architectures this lib file supports it gives this output:
$ lipo -info ../output/libfile01.a
fatal error: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lipo: archive with no architecture specification: ../output/libfile01.a (can't determine architecture for it)
But, it should have given output similar to this one:
$ lipo -info ../ios/lib/libcurl.a
Architectures in the fat file: ../ios/lib/libcurl.a are: i386 armv7 armv7s x86_64 arm64
This is causing error when trying compiling files in using the generated static lib file with command:
$CC -o ../output/FinalProjectFile -O2 *.c ../output/libfile01.a ../ios/lib/libcurl.a ../ios/lib/libssl.a ../ios/lib/libcrypto.a -lpthread -lm
Error: ld: warning: ignoring file ../output/libfile01.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (armv7): ../output/libfile01.a
Thanks for help
I finally solved the issue by using different argument for ar
Instead of using
$ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ar rcu ../output/libfile01.a *.o
$ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ar -rcs ../output/libfile01.a *.o
The only difference was it's -rcs
instead of rcu
When checking the info of this libfile it shows the output like this:
$ lipo -info ../output/libfile01.a
Architectures in the fat file: ../output/libfile01.a are: armv7 armv7s armv6 arm64