I'm trying to parse a local HTML with lxml, but I'm getting an error, but I don't know why (sorry in advance for the bad code, I'm new to this).
from lxml import etree, html
from StringIO import StringIO
parser = etree.HTMLParser()
doc = etree.parse(StringIO("test1.html"), parser)
tree = html.fromstring(doc)
CCE = tree.xpath('//div[@data-reactid]/div[@class="browse-summary"]/h1')
URL = tree.xpath('//a[@class="rc-OfferingCard"]/@href')
print 'CCE:', CCE
print 'URL:', URL
And here's the error:
File "test.py", line 8, in <module>
tree = html.fromstring(doc)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lxml/html/__init__.py", line 703, in fromstring
is_full_html = _looks_like_full_html_unicode(html)
TypeError: expected string or buffer
I think you need
tree = etree.parse("text1.html", parser)
without StringIO
and fromstring