I am trying to design a Chess Game that will work based on the fuzzy logic. Before making a move, I wanted to compute a fuzzy evaluation function for each chess piece in each play. The fuzzy computations are based on the data that are provided in the research paper Fuzzy Chess Tactics. I am looking for chess engines that will provide the fuzzy values for each piece on the board of the given board scenario irrespective of the opponent's or player's. Also I will helpful if somebody can eXplain how the chess engines are selecting a good move [Some brute force algo.. will certainly work though not efficient], I mean based on what criteria ??
One method is to use the MAMDANI-TYPE FUZZY INTERFERENCE method to bring FUZZY into action. Also I would suggest to use the Rule Bases and the triangular functions (for the pieces' values) in the research paper http://www.inesc-id.pt/pt/indicadores/Ficheiros/2532.pdf