in migrating from rails 3.2 (where running as per design) to rails 4.2, an application with ThinkingSphinx on 4.2 will run rebuild
and restart
, however indexes are not being created with the following error stream
using config file '/Users/main/r/saim/config/development.sphinx.conf'...
WARNING: key 'sql_query_info' was permanently removed from Sphinx configuration. Refer to documentation for details.
WARNING: key 'charset_type' was permanently removed from Sphinx configuration. Refer to documentation for details.
WARNING: key 'sql_query_info' was permanently removed from Sphinx configuration. Refer to documentation for details.
WARNING: key 'charset_type' was permanently removed from Sphinx configuration. Refer to documentation for details.
WARNING: key 'sql_query_info' was permanently removed from Sphinx configuration. Refer to documentation for details.
WARNING: 7 more warnings skipped.
indexing index 'azienda_core'...
ERROR: source 'azienda_core_0': unknown type 'pgsql'; skipping.
ERROR: index 'azienda_core': failed to configure some of the sources, will not index.
thiking_sphinx.yml is configured as:
bin_path: /usr/local/bin
pid_file: /Users/main/r/saim/shared/tmp/
configuration_file: /Users/main/r/saim/config/development.sphinx.conf
indices_location: /Users/main/r/saim/shared/sphinx
use_64_bit: true
# enable_star: true
min_infix_len: 2
# max_matches: 1000
mysql41: 9313
mem_limit: 128M
utf8: true
and sphinx.yml (I attempted both with and without spinx.yml in the config folder with identical results)
bin_path: /usr/local/bin
searchd_file_path: /Users/main/r/saim/shared/sphinx
use_64_bit: true
enable_star: 1
min_infix_len: 1
max_matches: 10000
port: 9313
installed gems are
gem 'mysql2', '0.3.18', :platform => :ruby
gem 'thinking-sphinx', '3.1.2'
not sure why pgsql is the hangup...
Sphinx is saying it's not configured for PostgreSQL support. Have you re-installed Sphinx recently? And did you explicitly configure for PostgreSQL support when doing so? That's not the default, so you'll need to use the appropriate configuration flag when doing so. I believe it's --with-postgresql
when using Homebrew, and it's certainly --with-pgsql
when compiling manually.