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Does a const member function call the non-const version, or is it recursive?

For defining a second const version of a function, is it guaranteed safe to do this? It looks like it would have infinite recursion as I want to return const but the other function which I mean to call is non-const.

It works with g++ but I worry that this is unsafe.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class test {
   int* doSomething(int a) {
      int* someInt = new int(a);

      return someInt;

   const int* doSomething(int a) const {
      return doSomething(a);

int main() {
   test a;

   cout << *a.doSomething(12345) << endl;

   return 1;


  • Not quite: as @Pete Becker has pointed out in the comments, if you had called the const version that will recurse:

    class test {
       int* doSomething(int a) {
          int* someInt = new int;
          *someInt = a;
          return someInt;
       const int* doSomething(int a) const {
          return doSomething(a);
    int main() {
       const test a;
       // You're not in for a good time:
       return 1;

    When providing const and non-const versions of a function that requires duplicated code, it's best to implement the const version, then have the non-const version call it in a specific way.

    From Scott Myers Effective C++ - Third Edition:

    When const and non-const member functions have essentially identical implementation, code duplication can be avoided by having the non-const version call the const version

    Scott Myers goes on to provide a safe means for doing this:

    const int* doSomething(int a) const
       int* someInt = new int;
       *someInt = a;
       return someInt;
    int* doSomething(int a)
       return const_cast<int*>(static_cast<const Test&>(*this).doSomething());

    In the non-const version, there are two casts: the static_cast basically turns this into const this, where the const_cast casts away the const-ness of the return. This is safe to do, because to call the non-const version, you must've had a non-const this.

    However, if you are just providing access to a member, it's simple and easier to read to just have the following:

    class TestAccess;
    class Test
        TestAccess& t;
        const TestAccess& getA() const { return t; }
        TestAcess& getA() { return t; }