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How do I use NetBeans and SVN @version tag in the PhpDoc docblock?

I use NetBeans as my php ide and I have seen @version tags in the docblock that look like this:

@version $Id someinfo and timestamp

Does NetBeans have a way to automatically update this with each commit? Or am I missing the point entirely of this tag?


  • Well, no, Netbeans does not have a way. But subversion does...

    The exact tag is $Id$, and it corresponds to the svn property svn:keywords=Id. Find the config file (On linux, it's usually under ~/.subversion/config. On windows I found it under ~\Application Data\Subversion\Config. Find that file (or create it if it doesn't exist) and then add these lines:

    enable-auto-props = yes
    *.php = svn:keywords=Id

    If you want to set the End Of Line type to LF (\n), you can simply replace that last line with this:

    *.php = svn:keywords=Id;svn:eol-style=LF