I am new to sparkjava and like it overall. However, do new routes/endpoints have to be defined in the main method? For any significant web application, this will result in a very long main method or I need to have multiple main methods (and therefore split server resources among multiple instances).
These two sparkjava documentation pages seem to define routes in the main method: http://sparkjava.com/documentation.html#routes and here http://sparkjava.com/documentation.html#getting-started.
Is there another way to do this that I'm not seeing? Cursory google searching hasn't shown me a better way ...
Here is the full solution I did based on the answer from Andrew. In my opinion, adding endpoints outside of the main method should be part of the sparkjava documentation page:
Main Method:
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Do I need to do something more with the Resource instance so that sparkjava notices it and/or reads the routes?
Resource resource= new Resource(new Service());
My resource:
import static spark.Spark.*;
class Resource{
private Service service;
Resource(Service service){
this.service = service;
private void setupEndpoints() {
get("/user/:id", "application/json",(request, response)
-> service.find(request.params(":id")), new JsonTransformer());
get("/users", "application/json", (request, response)
-> service.findAll(), new JsonTransformer());
My service:
public class Service {
public Object find(String id) {
return null;
public Object findAll() {
return null;
My JsonTransformer:
import spark.ResponseTransformer;
public class JsonTransformer implements ResponseTransformer {
public String render(Object model) throws Exception {
return null;
You can set routes where you want. You just need call set up method in main thread. e.g.
public static void main(String[] args){
Resource resource= new Resource(new Service());
class Resource{
private Service service;
Resource(Service service){
this.service = service;
private void setupEndpoints() {
get("/user/:id", "application/json",(request, response)
-> service.find(request.params(":id")), new JsonTransformer());
get("/users", "application/json", (request, response)
-> service.findAll(), new JsonTransformer());