So, I've been stuck the last few hours on something that to me, seems quite weird.
What I'm trying to do is get the likes of a post through the Facebook graph API using Koala. Sounds simple enough.
@likes = @graph.get_connections("#{post_id}", "likes")
This should return an array of id's from the likes of the post, and using graph explorer, I can do this.
What I do is this: I get the id for the post from the Graph API, and let's say it's the final post of myself. So I get the id from the first post in the array of get_connections("me", "posts")
. And I can also do this via the graph explorer. But when I get the likes from that id, graph explorer gives me an array of id's (no problem there) and Koala returns: 100, no such request.
Does anyone know how I should be able to fix this?
I think the problem lies within getting something using the post_id that's build up like: UserID_PostID
, since using this on post = get_object("#{post_id}")
doesn't work either
The problem was that my access codes weren't refreshed somehow, when I got them refreshed, it was solved. So to anyone experiencing the same problem, I would suggest checking your access tokens