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How to prove a prove definition in Coq

I am currently working with Coq and I am encountering a problem that I don't know how to solve.

Let's say we are working with a given type, I'll take nat for the example, and I want to use a function f that might fail. To compensate the failure, we define f to be of type nat -> option nat.

Now I have a given hypothesis H: nat -> bool under which f doesn't fail, and I have even proved the lemma

Lemma no_error_in_f : forall (n:nat), H n = true -> exists (u:nat), f n = Some u.

I want to define a function g: nat->nat which gives the result of f on n if H n is satisfied, and just gives n otherwise. This function should be well defined, but I don't know how to define it properly. If I try something naive like Definition g (n:nat) := if H n then f n else n., there is a problem in the typing system.

Does anyone knows how to gather all the elements and tell the system that the definition is legal?


  • I give here a solution that works with the same hypotheses as the ones given in the question.

    Axiom f : nat -> option nat.
    Axiom H : nat -> bool.
    Axiom no_error_in_f : forall n,
      H n = true -> exists u, f n = Some u.
    Lemma no_error_in_f_bis : forall n,
      H n = true -> f n <> None.
      intros. apply no_error_in_f in H0. destruct H0. rewrite H0. discriminate.
    Definition g n :=
      match H n as b return H n = b -> _ with
      | true => fun H =>
        match f n as f0 return f n = f0 -> _ with
        | Some n0 => fun _ => n0
        | None => fun H0 => match no_error_in_f_bis n H H0 with end
        end eq_refl
      | false => fun _ => n
      end eq_refl.

    I use another lemma than no_error_in_f, which is more convenient to prove False. Note that the two ideas of this function (use the return construct of match, destruct a proof of False to show that a branch is not reachable) are explained here: