One of the shops I'm working at relies on dynamic views in ClearCase. The established norm has been to create a new view for each project effort. Over time I've found that I've only needed to have one or two views concurrently active. I've taken to "reusing" a view by changing the config spec (subsequent to check-in, label, release, etc.). So far, it has worked out. Is there any long-term problem with doing that? If not, is there anyway I can re-name the view (change the view tag) to better reflect what the purpose of the view is?
For base ClearCase dynamic views, the only side-effect you can have when recycling a config spec are private files:
Those are store within the dynamic view storage, and not always removed when the config spec is reset.
You also need to make sure no files were left checked-out: they also are stored in the view storage, and once the config spec has changed, they may not be visible/reachable any more (but you should still be able to unco them through the 'find co' GUI).
You cannot rename (change the tag) of a view (dynamic or snapshot)
And, just to be complete, you cannot recycle the config spec of an UCM dynamic view (which reference a stream).
You can try to change the foundation baselines of said stream, but again, that is not always possible.