I've been playing with this for awhile, Can anyone explain why I get different answers from Code1 and Code2? What is it about the actual script of 'dsolve()' that makes the output of the 2 codes different? Could the output be the same if I just used different syntax (ie ',;".')?
syms Qua t Area height
rate_in = 3*Qua*(sin(t))^2;
delta_Vol = dsolve('DAreaY = rate_in - Qua');
delta_Height= dsolve('Dheight = ((rate_in - Qua)/Area)', 'height(0) = 0');
subfnc1 = subs(rate_in, {Qua}, {450});
fnc1 = subs(delta_Height, {'rate_in'}, {subfnc1});
fnc1 = subs(fnc1, {Area, Qua}, {1250,450});
fnc_main = matlabFunction(fnc1);
syms Qua t Area height
rate_in = 3*Qua*(sin(t))^2;
delta_Vol = dsolve('DAreaY = 3*Qua*(sin(t))^2 - Qua');
delta_Height= dsolve('Dheight = ((3*Qua*(sin(t))^2 - Qua)/Area)', 'height(0) = 0');
fnc1 = subs(delta_Height, {Area, Qua}, {1250,450});
fnc_main = matlabFunction(fnc1);
what is it about the dsolved function that I don't understand?
The problem might be that you're passing strings to dsolve
rather than symbolic expressions. This means that in the first case rate_i
might be interpreted as a constant, rather than a function of t
Here's what you're probably trying to do: defining Dheight
as a sym
as well, and telling dsolve
what to do using sym
clear Qua t Area height Dheight
syms Qua t Area height(t) Dheight
Dheight = diff(height);
rate_in = 3*Qua*(sin(t))^2;
delta_Height= dsolve(Dheight == ((rate_in - Qua)/Area), height(0) == 0);
subfnc1 = subs(rate_in, {Qua}, {450});
fnc1 = subs(delta_Height, {'rate_in'}, {subfnc1});
fnc1 = subs(fnc1, {Area, Qua}, {1250,450});
fnc_main = matlabFunction(fnc1)
clear Qua t Area height Dheight
syms Qua t Area height(t) Dheight
Dheight = diff(height);
rate_in = 3*Qua*(sin(t))^2;
delta_Height= dsolve(Dheight == ((3*Qua*(sin(t))^2 - Qua)/Area), height(0) == 0);
fnc1 = subs(delta_Height, {Area, Qua}, {1250,450});
fnc_main = matlabFunction(fnc1)
Changes to your version:
since it wasn't used and contained an unclear reference to (D)AreaY
from string to symbolic expression, in the mean time =
had to be changed to ==
as diff(Height)
, which implies that height
has to be declared as height(t)
. This also allows us to define the initial condition as height(0)==0
, otherwise we'd have needed to keep this a string: 'height(0)=0'
.Now both versions return the same solution:
fnc_main =
I suggest checking on paper whether this solution, or its symbolic predecessor,
delta_Height =
(Qua*(2*t - 3*sin(2*t)))/(4*Area)
is indeed a solution to your differential equation.