Im trying to populate a property inside a Mongoose schema, which references a property in another external model/schema.
I can get the Mongoose population/referencing working when the two models/schemas and the query are all in the same file, but I have my architecture setup so the models are all in their own files within the /models directory, and the /models/index.js will return an object of models (obviously the index.js knows to exclude itself)
The problem I'm running into, is since the Schemas/Models are all in their own files, when I specify the model name as a reference, it doesn't work. I try to load that specific model itself inside the other model, and that also fails.
FYI: Im fairly new to MongoDB and Mongoose, so the following code is very very rough, it's mostly me in the process of learning
Group Model
// models/group.js
'use strict'
module.exports = Mongoose => {
const Schema = Mongoose.Schema
const modelSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true
return Mongoose.model( ModelUtils.getModelName(), modelSchema )
Account Model
// models/account.js
'use strict'
module.exports = Mongoose => {
// I tried loading the specific model being referenced, but that doesn't work
const Group = require('./group')( Mongoose )
const Schema = Mongoose.Schema
const modelSchema = new Schema({
username: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true
_groups: [{
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Group'
// Trying to create a static method that will just return a
// queried username, with its associated groups
modelSchema.statics.findByUsername = function( username, cb ) {
return this
.findOne({ username : new RegExp( username, 'i' ) })
return Mongoose.model( ModelUtils.getModelName(), modelSchema )
As you can see in the Account model, Im trying to reference the Group model as the _groups element, and then querying for an account while populating the associated groups inside the modelSchema.statics.findByUsername static method..
Main Application File
// app.js
const models = require('./models')( Mongoose )
models.Account.findByUsername('jdoe', ( err, result ) => {
I am not clear how the ModelUtils.getModelName()
is implemented. I think the issue should be here, because it works well after I changing your codes as below
// group.js
return Mongoose.model( 'Group', modelSchema );
// account.js
return Mongoose.model( 'Account', modelSchema );
// app.js
const models = require('./models/account.js')( Mongoose );
models.findByUsername('jdoe', ( err, result ) => {