I've just update my project to Laravel 5.2 and Cashier 6.0.
I've followed the documentation and added the new subscriptions
table but when I test it Cashier do not set the trial ends column.
In my stripe plan I have 14 days of trial and in my stripe account I can see that if I add today a new costumer the first billing is set 14 days after.
This is my subscription code:
// Create the user
$user = $this->create( $request->all() );
// Find the plan in the DB
$plan = Plan::find( $request->get( 'plan' ) );
// Charge the user ( 14 days trial )
$user->newSubscription( $plan->slug , $plan->stripe_id )->create( $request->get( 'stripeToken' ),
'email' => $request->get( 'email' ),
'description' => ''
] );
The $plan->slug
is the name I have associated to my plan, for example annual
while the $plan->stripe_id
is the same I have set on Stripe dashboard.
If I register a new customer all but trials_ends_at
and ands_at
are set.
What am I doing wrong?
I figured out by myself.
The new Casher code needs to set manually the trial period with:
So my code should be:
$user->newSubscription( $plan->slug , $plan->stripe_id )->trialDays(14)->create( $request->get( 'stripeToken' ),
'email' => $request->get( 'email' ),
'description' => ''
] );