It's possible to mix classes with lenses to simulate overloaded record fields, up to a point. See, for example, makeFields
in Control.Lens.TH. I'm trying to figure out if there's a nice way to reuse the same name as a lens for some types and a traversal for others. Notably, given a sum of products, each product can have lenses, which will degrade to traversals of the sum. The simplest thing I could think of was this**:
class Boo booey where
type Con booey :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
boo :: forall f . Con booey f => (Int -> f Int) -> booey -> f booey
This works fine for simple things, like
data Boop = Boop Int Char
instance Boo Boop where
type Con Boop = Functor
boo f (Boop i c) = (\i' -> Boop i' c) <$> f i
But it falls on its face as soon as you need anything more complicated, like
instance Boo boopy => Boo (Maybe boopy) where
which should be able to produce a Traversal
regardless of the choice of underlying Boo
The next thing I tried, which sort of works, is to constrain the Con
family. This gets kind of gross. First, change the class:
class LTEApplicative c where
lteApplicative :: Applicative a :- c a
class LTEApplicative (Con booey) => Boo booey where
type Con booey :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
boo :: forall f . Con booey f => (Int -> f Int) -> booey -> f booey
This makes Boo
instances carry around explicit evidence that their boo
produces a Traversal' booey Int
. Some more stuff:
instance LTEApplicative Applicative where
lteApplicative = Sub Dict
instance LTEApplicative Functor where
lteApplicative = Sub Dict
-- flub :: Boo booey => Traversal booey booey Int Int
flub :: forall booey f . (Boo booey, Applicative f) => (Int -> f Int) -> booey -> f booey
flub = case lteApplicative of
Sub (Dict :: Dict (Con booey f)) -> boo
instance Boo boopy => Boo (Maybe boopy) where
type Con (Maybe boopy) = Applicative
boo _ Nothing = pure Nothing
boo f (Just x) = Just <$> hum f x
where hum :: Traversal' boopy Int
hum = flub
And the base Boop
example works unchanged.
We now have boo
producing a Lens
or Traversal
under appropriate circumstances, and we can always use it as a Traversal
, but every time we want to do so, we have to first drag in the evidence that it really is one. This is, of course, far too inconvenient for the purpose of implementing overloaded record fields! Is there any nicer way?
** This code compiles with the following (may not be minimal):
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, TypeFamilies,
TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts,
ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes,
KindSignatures #-}
import Control.Lens
import Data.Constraint
The following has worked for me before:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
import Control.Lens
data Boop = Boop Int Char deriving (Show)
class HasBoo f s where
boo :: LensLike' f s Int
instance Functor f => HasBoo f Boop where
boo f (Boop a b) = flip Boop b <$> f a
instance (Applicative f, HasBoo f s) => HasBoo f (Maybe s) where
boo = traverse . boo
It can be also scaled to polymorphic fields, if we make sure to enforce all the relevant functional dependencies (just like here). Leaving an overloaded field completely polymorphic is rarely useful or a good idea; I illustrate that case though because from there one can always monomorphize as necessary (or we can constrain polymorphic fields, for example a name
field to IsString
UndecidableInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses,
FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
data Foo a b = Foo {_fooFieldA :: a, _fooFieldB :: b} deriving Show
makeLenses ''Foo
class HasFieldA f s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where
fieldA :: LensLike f s t a b
instance Functor f => HasFieldA f (Foo a b) (Foo a' b) a a' where
fieldA = fooFieldA
instance (Applicative f, HasFieldA f s t a b) => HasFieldA f (Maybe s) (Maybe t) a b where
fieldA = traverse . fieldA
One can also go a bit wild and use a single class for all "has" functionality:
UndecidableInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses,
RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, DataKinds,
FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies,
TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens hiding (has)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy
class Has (sym :: Symbol) f s t a b | s sym -> a, sym t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where
has' :: Proxy sym -> LensLike f s t a b
data Foo a = Foo {_fooFieldA :: a, _fooFieldB :: Int} deriving Show
makeLenses ''Foo
instance Functor f => Has "fieldA" f (Foo a) (Foo a') a a' where
has' _ = fooFieldA
With GHC 8, one can add
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
and avoid the proxies:
has :: forall (sym :: Symbol) f s t a b. Has sym f s t a b => LensLike f s t a b
has = has' (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
instance (Applicative f, Has "fieldA" f s t a b) => Has "fieldA" f (Maybe s) (Maybe t) a b where
has' _ = traverse . has @"fieldA"
> Just (Foo 0 1) ^? has @"fieldA"
Just 0
> Foo 0 1 & has @"fieldA" +~ 10
Foo {_fooFieldA = 10, _fooFieldB = 1}