Search code examples

Error Using Drakma for the Bing Search API Common Lisp

I am building a program that uses Bing's search API and common lisp with the Drakma library to display some results but for some reason have an error when sending a longer length query It doesn't display any of the results at all. It works for shorter length queries. I am using a temp account for this question. I have the following code.

(defun get-rid-of-spaces (var)
 (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all " " var "%20"))

(defun print-bing (search-term)
  (format nil "$format=json&$top=1" (get-rid-of-spaces search-term)))

(defun drakma-bing (search-term)
 (drakma:http-request (print-bing search-term)
           '("[email protected]" "L2gbaj+s1/KW/+ifAa9HrP0C1/kClpF4InH48Lw8UNc")))

(defun convert-to-string (response)
 (map 'string #'code-char response))

And then I call this but it only works for short search terms and I can't figure out why. This doesn't work:

(convert-to-string (drakma-bing "what is the largest man in the world"))

But this does

(convert-to-string (drakma-bing "what is"))

Any idea why?



I tried encoding the print-bing function by hand instead of using that function with a longer string and it still doesn't work so there must be an error with Drakma. I tried typing the domain into the web browser by hand and it works so that is why I think the error is with Drakma.


  • You need to use + instead of %20 for spaces.

    (defun get-rid-of-spaces (var)
     (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all " " var "+"))