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Can you hydrate a static property using MEF?

can I hydrate this inside the class's static constructor?

public class Connect:IDTExtensibility2, IDTCommandTarget
  static Connect()
        //hydrate static properties?
    public static Action<ProjectLogicChecks> Display { get; set; }

    private static void DisplayResults( CheckProcesses _checkResults)
    MessageBox.Show(_checkResults.ProjectLogicCheck.AssemblyName + " has problems=" +


  • It was easier than I thought it would be.

     static Connect()
            var batch = new CompositionBatch( );
            CompositionContainer container;
            var reflectionCatalog = new AssemblyCatalog(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ));
            var extensionPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "extensions");
            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(extensionPath))
                var directoryCatalog = new DirectoryCatalog(extensionPath);
                var defaultCatalogEp = new CatalogExportProvider(reflectionCatalog);
                container=new CompositionContainer(directoryCatalog, defaultCatalogEp);
                container = new CompositionContainer(reflectionCatalog);
     //Setting a static property
            Display=container.GetExportedValue<Action<IEnumerable< ProjectLogicChecks>>>( );

    Changed the type to Action<IEnumerable<ProjectLogicChecks>> so that I could display results for multiple projects or a whole solution instead of just the one.

    I followed this article to get the static property set, then this to provide local defaults in case there is no extension present.